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Parents & Friends


The success of any Scout Group relies not only on the dedicated uniform leaders but also needs the support of Parents, Carers and Friends. The 82nd Bristol (St Bernadette’s) Scout Group is no exception. Whether it’s helping out at weekly meetings, we will always need peoples help and support.


Parents and Carers can also pledge their support financially by signing a Gift Aid declaration, which allows the Scout Group to claim back all income tax paid on scout subscriptions, which allows us to keep the cost of subscriptions to a minimum.


All Parents and Carers of Scouts automatically are part of the Group Scout Council who select and nominate members to join the Board of Trustees. Elections are held annually at a Parents and Friends Evening where members of the Scout District Management Team are in attendance.


The Board of Trustees must act in the charity’s best interests, acting with reasonable care and skill and take steps to be confident that the charity is: 

• Well managed

• Carrying out its purposes for the public benefit

• Complying with the charity’s governing document and the law

• Managing the charity’s resources responsibly


Any Parent or Carer interested in serving of the Board of Trustees (BOT) should contact either the Chair or the Group Lead Volunteer for more information, (details for which can be found on our contacts page).


We have attached our latest Annual Trustees report for you to look at for more information about the work of the Trustees.

82nd Bristol (St Bernadette) Scout Group
Registered Charity No. 287697

Contact the Groups Chairman:

Steve Williams

T: 07932939669
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